Boulevard Angel, PIZZA Gallery, 2023, Louise Delanghe
Interview ponton magazine, 2022
Making a scène #2, Fortune cookie, 2022, Nein
CHEVAL, 2022, Bar Bristol Ostend, i.c.w. Bert Huyghe
Big Curious Pig Of Playfulness, …, Floris Hoorelbeke
The Makeshift Meal (projectweek), 2022, Sint Lucas Antwerpen, i.c.w. Ward Heirwegh, i.c.w. Tom Volkaert, i.c.w. Hans Wuyts, i.c.w. Students of Sint Lucas Antwerpen,
…, …, i.c.w. Ine Meganck
Talking Letterheads, Phantom Radio, Design Museum Gent, i.c.w. Ine Meganck
Umwelten Memory Game, 2018, Sarah & Charles, LUCA School of Arts Gent,
Studiovisit students ERG (at 019), …, i.c.w. Ine Meganck
BAD WOMAN, 2019, Julie Cafmeyer, i.c.w. Ine Meganck, i.c.w. Olivier D'hauwe,
Never(s) Have I Ever, 2020, i.c.w. Ine Meganck
Masterproject (Sint Lucas Ghent), 2014
ERIK, 2021, 2021
Uitnodiging VCM, 2021, Louise Delanghe
TM Walking Guide Ostend, 2021, Toerist Modernist
PING PONG, 2022, i.c.w. Ine Meganck
Enough is Enough, 2021, Matthieu Ronsse, i.c.w. Jef Cuypers
Blödpudding, 2021, Matthieu Ronsse, Louise Delanghe, , i.c.w. Jef Cuypers
Pleasure Island, 2020/2021, Pleasure Island, i.c.w. Ine Meganck